Redhanded.Red-handedRed handedCaught red-handed: Rc encodes a basic helix-loop-helix protein conditioning red pericarp in rice.Caught red-handed: uric acid is an agent of inflammationInteractions between tayras ( Eira barbara ) and red-handed howlers ( Alouatta belzebul ) in eastern AmazoniaGeophagy as a Correlate of Folivory in Red-Handed Howler Monkeys ( Alouatta belzebul ) from Eastern Brazilian AmazoniaThe Azores - Westernmost Europe: Where evolution can be caught red-handedObservations of daytime births in two groups of red-handed howlers (Alouatta belzebul) on an island in the Tucuruí reservoir in eas...RESEARCH ARTICLES Caught Red-Handed: Rc Encodes a Basic Helix-Loop-Helix W OA Protein Conditioning Red Pericarp in RiceIsolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Amazonian red‐handed howlers Alouatta belzebul (Primates, Plathyrrini)Life-threatening impending paradoxical embolus caught "red-handed": successful management by multidisciplinary team approach.The red-handed howler monkey in northeastern Brazil