Similar electromyographic activities of lower limbs between squatting on a reebok core board and ground.International Sourcing in Athletic Footwear: Nike and Reebok, Spanish VersionImpacts of Corporate Code of Conduct on Labor Standards: A Case Study of Reebok’s Athletic Footwear Supplier Factory in ChinaEMG Analysis of Level and Incline Walking in Reebok EasyTone ET CalibratorPersonalized search methods including combining index entries for catagories of personal dataPublic disclosure of the sweatshop practices of american multinational garment/shoe makers/retailers: Impacts on their stock pricesPricing Options in an Extended Black Scholes Economy with Illiquidity: Theory and Empirical EvidenceThe Multilateral Agreement on Investment and International Labor Rights: A Failed ConnectionThe effect of unstable sandals on instability in gait in healthy female subjectsWhy do corporate codes of conduct fail? Women workers and clothing supply chains in Vietnam