用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- announce a refusal宣布拒绝
- buy〔have〕 the refusal of sth购得〔获得〕对…的优先取舍权
- get〔meet with, receive〕 a refusal遭到拒绝
- take no refusal from sb不许别人说个“不”字
形容词+~- cold〔weak〕 refusal冷淡〔软弱无力〕的拒绝
- firm〔flat〕 refusal坚决〔断然〕拒绝
~+介词- the refusal of an invitation对邀请的拒绝
- the first refusal on the painting对这幅画的优先购买权
first refusal优先取舍权;优先取决运务
- I translate his silence as a refusal.
我把他的沉默解释为拒绝。 - She couched her refusal in very polite terms.
她用十分委婉的措辞表示拒绝。 - Your words amount to a refusal.
Refusal testing
A Summary of The Theory of Social Refusal
Childhood immunization refusal: provider and parent perceptions.
Vaccine refusal, mandatory immunization, and the risks of vaccine-preventable diseases.
A prospective, multicenter study of patients' refusal of antipsychotic medication.
Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Choice and Refusal of Partners: Evolutionary Results.
Factors associated with refusal of childhood vaccines among parents of school-aged children: a case-control study
A contrastive pragmatic study on American english and mandarin refusal strategies
Refusal, non‐compliance, and abandonment of treatment in children and adolescents with cancer. A report of the SIOP Working Committ...
Responding to intractable terminal suffering: the role of terminal sedation and voluntary refusal of food and fluids. ACP-ASIM End-o...