- Of this restlessness Arab and Chinese astronomers were aware.
阿拉伯和中国的天文学家了解这一烦躁不安的缘由。 - What was my own was the restlessness, the seething tension within me.
Migratory Restlessness in an Equatorial Nonmigratory Bird
Pulsar glitches and restlessness as a hard superfluidity phenomenon
The internal restlessness scale: performance of college students with and without ADHD.
Agitation and restlessness after closed head injury: a prospective study of 100 consecutive admissions
Pinealectomy abolishes the circadian rhythm of migratory restlessness
Circadian rhythm of motor restlessness and sensory symptoms in the idiopathic restless legs syndrome.
Physical activity and restlessness correlate with leptin levels in patients with adolescent anorexia nervosa
The influence of daytime inactivity and nighttime restlessness on cancer-related fatigue.
Effects of Food-Deprivation on Migratory Restlessness and Diurnal Activity in the Garden Warbler Sylvia borin
Primary disorder of vigilance: a novel explanation of inattentiveness, daydreaming, boredom, restlessness, and sleepiness