Square-wave modulated voltage dip restorer
Method of producing double low restorer lines of Brassica napus having a good agronomic value
Control strategies for dynamic voltage restorer compensating voltage sags with phase jump
Oilseed Brassica containing an improved fertility restorer gene for ogura cytoplasmic male sterility
Genetic mapping of nuclear fertility restorer genes for the ‘Polima’ cytoplasmic male sterility in canola (Brassica napus L.) usin...
Improving bacterial blight resistance of '6078', an elite restorer line of hybrid rice, by molecular marker-assisted selection.
Mapping and genetic analysis of two fertility restorer loci in the wild-abortive cytoplasmic male sterility system of rice (Oryza sa...
Identification of RAPD markers linked to a fertility restorer gene for theOgura radish cytoplasmic male sterility of rapeseed (Brass...
Improvement of bacterial blight resistance of 'Minghui 63', an elite restorer line of hybrid rice, by molecular marker-assisted sele...
Characterisation of the radish introgression carrying the Rfo restorer gene for the Ogu-INRA cytoplasmic male sterility in rapeseed ...