- The retroflexion of the lineshapes is illustrated by combining the polarization theory and the balance probe theory, which is in good accordance with the experiment.
retroflexionretroflexionColonoscopic polypectomy in retroflexion.Impact of Proximal Colon Retroflexion on Adenoma Miss RatesRetroflexion in the Colon: A Useful and Safe Technique in the Evaluation and Resection of Sessile Polyps During ColonoscopyRectal perforation caused by retroflexion maneuver during colonoscopy: closure with endoscopic clips.Ultrasonographic findings in cows with dilatation, torsion and retroflexion of the caecumImpact of Bending Section Length on Insertion and Retroflexion Properties of Pediatric and Adult ColonoscopesMiss rate of right-sided colon examination during colonoscopy defined by retroflexion: an observational study."Salvage"endoscopic mucosal resection in the colon using a retroflexion gastroscope dissection technique: a prospective analysis.