Collaborative Sensor Networking Towards Real-Time Acoustical Beamforming in Free-Space and Limited ReverberanceCollaborative sensor networking towards realtime acoustical beamforming in free-space and limited reverberanceReal-Time Acoustical Beamforming in Free-Space and Limited ReverberanceMeasures of Spatial Impression and Reverberance based on the Physiology of Human HearingRoom Impression, Reverberance, and Warmth in Rooms and HallsIALF-Binaural Measures of Spatial Impression and Running ReverberanceThe effect of loudness on the reverberance of music: reverberance prediction using loudness modelsTest of the subjective reverberance limen with Chinese music motifsEqual reverberance matching of musicGain normalization in amplitude panning as a function of frequency and room reverberance