NON-REVERTIBLE β-OXIDATION BLOCKED CANDIDA TROPICALISA revertible, autonomous, self-assembled DNA-origami nanoactuatorRevertible hydrogen uptake-deficient mutants of Rhizobium japonicum.Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of a green-revertible albino gene gra(t) in ricePhysiological Character and Gene Mapping in a New Green- revertible Albino Mutant in RiceMULTIPLE INTERCONNECTED BROADCAST AND SELECT OPTICAL RING NETWORKS WITH REVERTIBLE PROTECTION SWITCHBile acids cause secretory phospholipase A2 activity enhancement, revertible by exogenous surfactant administration.A novel thermo/photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile (T/PGMS) rice mutant with green-revertible albino leaf color marker induced ...Breeding and characteristics of photo--thermo sensitive genic male sterile rice yutu S labeled with green--revertible albino leaf ma...In vitro mutagenesis induced novel thermo/photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterile indica rice with green-revertible xanthan leaf c...