- All passions except those of the heart are dissipated by revery.
任何热情,除非出自内心,全会在幻想中消失。 - His brain was going through one of those violent and yet perfectly calm moments in which revery is so profound that it absorbs reality.
Revery of Sappho
Autumn Revery
Revery About Intoxicated Turtles
Black Chaco Canyon Revery
Romantic reading as revery
Natural-Born Proud:A Revery
Natural-Born Proud: A Revery
“That Ceaseless Revery About Life Which We Call Wisdom”
The Queen's Choir; a revery in Roslin Woods. [By D. W., i.e. Daniel Wilson.]
Australian influences on Elton Mayo: The construct of revery in industrial society.