On a mass occurrence of a thraustochytrioid protist (fungi or rhizopodan protozoa) in an Antarctic anaerobic marine sediment.On a mass occurrence of a thraustochytrioid protist (fungi or rhizopodan protozoa) in an Antarctic anaerobic marine sediment. - Ver...XXXI.âOn the architectural achievements of little masons, Annelidan (?) and Rhizopodan, in the Abyss of the AtlanticXXXI.—On the architectural achievements of little masons, Annelidan (?) and Rhizopodan, in the A...Growth in the Rhizopodan ShellA New Class of RhizopodaBiology of the genus Reticulomyxa (Rhizopoda)XLIX.âOn the reticularian and Radiolarian Rhizopoda (Foraminifera and Polycystina) of the North-Polar Expedition of 1875â76List of the freshwater Rhizopoda of N. S. WalesOn the reticularian rhizopoda of the Caribbean Sea,