- I always wanted a rhododendron bush planted just there.
Rhododendron L., Seeds of woody plants in the United StatesThe importance of crayfish in the breakdown of rhododendron leaf litterPhytophthora ramorum sp. nov., a new pathogen on Rhododendron and ViburnumLight environment under Rhododendron maximum thickets and estimated carbon gain of regenerating forest tree seedlingsGrayanoid diterpene insect antifeedants and insecticides from Rhododendron molleOrigin and evolution of invasive naturalized material of Rhododendron ponticum L. in the British islesA hybrid zone dominated by fertile F1s: maintenance of species barriers in RhododendronThe Ecological Importance of Kalmia latifolia and Rhododendron maximum in the Deciduous Forest of the Southern AppalachiansFacilitation of Seedling Microsites by Rhododendron Caucasicum Extends the Betula Litwinowii Alpine Treeline, Caucasus Mountains, Re...Leaf-level phenotypic variability and plasticity of invasive Rhododendron ponticum and non-invasive Ilex aquifolium co-occurring at ...