RhodoliteRhodoliteRhodolite GarnetGarnet, Rhodolite (R16.19.3-1)Rhodolite development in the modern and Pleistocene of Grand Cayman [microform]Rhodolite and Encrusted-Grain Sedimentation, Thunder and Lightning Knolls, Southwest Caribbean Sea: ABSTRACTGemological and Minearlogical Studies on Rhodolite Garnet from Madagascar, AfricaSedimentological, petrographic and geochemical remarks on some Miocene rhodolite deposits from Veneto and northern Apennine (north I...The effects of micro-inclusions on internal structure of zoned garnet: an example from the Tocantins rhodolite garnets, Tocantins St...THE EFFECTS OF MICRO-INCLUSIONS ON INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF ZONED GARNET: AN EXAMPLE FROM THE TOCANTINS RHODOLITE GARNETS, TOCANTINS ST...