rhonchusrhonchusOccurrence of the false scad, Caranx rhonchus Geoffroy Saint‐Hilaire, 1817 in the Adriatic SeaDiet composition and food habits of Caranx rhonchus (Carangidae) from the Gulf of Gabes (central Mediterranean)Bipolare Radiofrequenz-Volumenreduktion mit „ORL-Set” bei habituellem RhonchusPCR based identification and discrimination of Caranx rhonchus (Pisces, Carangidae) based on nuclear and mtDNA sequences.Classification and analysis of non-stationary characteristics of crackle and rhonchus lung adventitious soundsClassification and analysis of non-stationary characteristics of crackle and rhonchus lung adventitious soundsA study on the food and feeding habits of Trachurus trachurus, Tr. trecae, Tr. picturatus and Caranx rhonchus in the region of Cape ...Annual reproductive cycle, spawning periodicity and sexual maturity of false scad Caranx rhonchus (Geoffroy Saint‐Hilaire, 1817) (P...