Ritualized and instrumental television viewing.Ritualized combat and intercolony communication in ants ☆Ritualized practices among caregivers at meals in geriatric careWhy ritualized behavior? Precaution Systems and action parsing in developmental, pathological and cultural ritualsSocial relationships and ritualized greetings in adult male baboons ( Papio cynocephalus anubis )Whence Collective Rituals? A Cultural Selection Model of Ritualized BehaviorCosts increase as ritualized fighting progresses within and between phases in the sierra dome spider, Neriene litigiosaRitualized conflict in Odontomachus brunneus and the generation of interaction-based task allocation: a new organizational mechanism...Vocal dueling among male Marsh Wrens: evidence for ritualized expression of dominance/subordinanceGroup interviews in primary care research: advancing the state of the art or ritualized research?