appreciation of the rmb人民币升值
RMB Internationalization: Onshore/Offshore Links
RMB Is Capable of Becoming One of the World Currencies
RMB Exchange Rate: Appreciation and Cost-Benefit Analysis
The Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System:Return to Managed Floating
Nondeliverable forward market for Chinese RMB: A first look
Internationalization of the RMB, Capital Market Openness and Financial Reforms in China
The Influence of RMB Exchange Rate on China's Inflation: the View of Exchange Rate Pass-through [J]
A Non-equilibrium Analysis of RMB Exchange Rate and the Macro-efficiency of Exchange-rate System
The Influence of Fluctuation of Real RMB Exchange Rate to Chinese Import and Export: 1994—2003
The Demand on the Foreign Exchange Reserve for the Convertibility of RMB