- Built by a Mughal emperor as a mausoleum for his dead wife, the Taj is one edifice that actually lives up to its press.
莫卧儿皇帝为纪念自己逝去的爱妻而建造的泰姬陵至今仍为世人瞩目。 - I just caught a sight of a bike flying by.
我只是看见一辆自行车飞快驶过。 - A train whooshed by the station just now.
Avaliação da genotoxicidade das xantanas produzidas pelas cepas 06 e 24 deXanthomonas campestris pv pruni através do ensaio comet...
Big-Farm Subsidies vs. Food Stamps: Whose Plate Will Congress Fill?
Basics of Underwater Stereo Photography
Obituary: Sir Michael Stewart
Good Leaders Aren't Scarce, They're Scared - of Scrutiny
Presidential address: R2, Journal of Finance
Volatility, Correlation, and Spread ETFs as Factors
States Adopt Emancipation Day Deadline for Individual Returns; Some Opt Against Allowing Delay for Corporate Returns in 2012
Park and Recreation Commission
Financial Anxiety in Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Findings from the Household Financial Survey