- I would like to reserve a roomette on this train.
Roomette [Poem]
Portable isolation roomette
A comeback for the roomette
HO 24-duplex-roomette sleeping car sides
Woman shares train roomette with dead dad Colorado to Chicago
A Continuous Air-Exchange Roomette and Gas-Meting System
Roomette for one: Riding to Portland, Ore., without a seatbelt.(Product/Service Evaluation)
Pullman interior, roomette, circa 1950 [Whitaker-Christenson Studios, Inc."(no Bass #)
Pullman interior, roomette, woman looking out window, circa 1950 [Frank Willming photograph] (no Bass #)
Pullman interior, roomette, woman hanging clothes in locker, circa 1950 [Frank Willming photograph] (no Bass #)