Mold and Rottenness Proof Food Packaging Design
Occurence Law and Prevention of the White-rottenness of Grape Disease
Reason of Saffron's Atrophy and Rottenness and Their Prevention-Treatment Methods
Detecting of Early Rottenness in Apples Using Hyperspectral Machine Vision with Effective Wavebands
Nondestructive Detecting Rottenness Defect of Citrus By Using Hyper-Spectra Imaging Technology
Detecting rottenness caused by Penicillium genus fungi in citrus fruits using machine learning techniques ☆
“What an Abomination, a Rottenness of Culture”: Reflections upon the Gay Rights Movement in Southern Africa
Detection of Early Rottenness on Apples by Using Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Spectral Analysis and Image Processing
Hyperspectral system for early detection of rottenness caused by Penicillium digitatum in mandarins
Studies on freshness and rottenness of fresh fish. 1. Changes in K-value and deterioration of total lipids of fresh fish during chil...