[The noun and the verb in Roumanian]Roumanian experience in detection methods of early stages of cancer.REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE (ROUMANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY)[ON VARIOUS ASPECTS OF FRANCO-ROUMANIAN MEDICAL RELATIONS].Gm and Km(Inv) frequencies in two Roumanian populations.ICP-MS characterization of some Roumanian white wines by their mineral contentFault-plane solutions for some Roumanian earthquakes and their seismotectonic implicationsThe moss Schistidium atrofuscum Schimp. in the Slovakian and Roumanian Carpathians[Evidence of marginal periodontal disease on subfossil mammal bones of pre- and protohistoric sites on Roumanian territory]Subterranean Crustacea Decapoda Macrura collected by Mr. L. Botosaneanu during the 1973 Cuban-Roumanian Biospeological Expedition to...