in a row连续;成一长行
front row前排,头一排
single row单排;单行
in row行内的;在行内
death row 死囚牢房(等于death house)
row over v. 从容胜过;一路领先
row spacing行距
row out使划得精疲力尽
skid row贫民区
row a boat划船
row space行距;行空间
row house墙壁相连成排的房屋
- Rowing and canoeing are practiced less because there are not so many facilities.
参与划船和划独木舟的人就不是很多,因为没有太多的设施。 - In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar.
The physiology of rowing
Applied physiology of rowing.
Science and medicine of rowing: A review
Physiological aspects of training in rowing
Enhancement of 2000-m rowing performance after caffeine ingestion
Physiological and biomechanical aspects of rowing. Implications for training.
High reliability of performance of well-trained rowers on a rowing ergometer
Anaerobic threshold, individual anaerobic threshold, and maximal lactate steady state in rowing.
Morphological and functional-motor characteristics of middle age men active in recreational rowing
Anaerobic threshold, individual anaerobic threshold, and maximal lactate steady state in rowing. / Seuil anaerobie, seuil anaerobie ...