- "His playing drips with exaggerated rubato and unorthodox tempi."(Annalyn Swan)
RubatoRubatoRubatoThe RUBATO Performance Workstation on NEXTSTEPA computational model of rubatoThe Imitation of Perceived Rubato: A Preliminary StudyDo[n't] Change a Hair for Me: The Art of Jazz RubatoPerformance of a Rubato-like Task: When Two Things Cannot Be Done at the Same TimeThe Rubato Composer Music Software: Component-Based Implementation of a Functorial Concept ArchitectureISTHERE APERCEPTION-BASEDALTERNATIVE TOKINEMATICMODELS OFTEMPO RUBATO?Musicians' and Nonmusicians' Assessment of Perceived Rubato in Musical PerformanceTowards a cognitive theory of expression: The performance and perception of rubatoEffect of Instruction in Appropriate Rubato Usage on the Onset Timings and Perceived Musicianship of Musical Performances