- Some special units like ballista are dedicated to this task.
BallistaBallistaBallistaBallista Design and MethodologyThe Ballista Software Robustness Testing ServiceThe 'ballista spring"system for impacted teethThe Hatra ballista: a secret weapon of the past?Modified Ballista Spring for Impacted Maxillary CanineTreatment of Maxillary Impacted Canine using Ballista Spring and Orthodontic Wire Traction:Lowering the Bar Behind Bars: Chao v. Ballista and Prison Official Liability in All-Female PrisonsChallenges Facing Options Crossing Networks: Insight from the ICE-Ballista DealInterface Robustness Testing: Experience and Lessons Learned from the Ballista ProjectInterface Robustness Testing: Experience and Lessons Learned from the Ballista Project