- He ran up and jumped a long distance.
他助跑,然后起跳,跳的很远。 - There is no run-up for throwing events while jumping events require an approach run.
投掷项目不用助跑,而跳跃项目需要助跑。 - The exchange rate of the pound moved up sharply.
Tsunami run-up and draw-down on a plane beachSurf and run-up on a beach: a uniform boreThe Run-Up of N-Waves on Sloping BeachesNumerical Model of Wave Run-Up, Overtopping, and RegenerationExtreme value statistics for wave run-up on a natural beachGeomorphological effects of tsunami run-up and backwashSurf and run-upSurf and run-upInternal solitary wave breaking and run-up on a uniform slopeA Numerical Study of Submarine-Landslide-Generated Waves and Run-Up