Fight-flight or freeze-hide? Personality and metabolic phenotype mediate physiological defence responses in flatfish.
Effect of hormone injection frequency on the lipid content and fatty acid compositions in gonad, muscle and liver of Anguilla japoni...
Evaluation of blended virgin coconut oil and fish oil on growth performance and resistance to Streptococcus iniae challenge of Nile...
Growth performance, feed utilization, body and fatty acid composition of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus ) fed diets containing ...
Personality and aerobic capacity mediate physiological defense responses in a benthic fish
Flood frequency analysis over River Nzoia Basin
Speech to the first Senior Executive Training Seminar on International Negotiation
Perception Of Civil Servants Towards Promotion On Merit
De‐regulation/re‐regulation and partnership with the corporate business sector: The Tanzanian experience
A imagem do professor em Moçambique: um estudo de representações sociais