- This possibility, which Libet contemplated, may explain why we maintain the illusion of continuity of time and space when our eyes move from one target to another during a saccade.
Saccade reward signals in posterior cingulate cortex.
SWIFT: a dynamical model of saccade generation during reading
Saccade target selection and object recognition: evidence for a common attentional mechanism.
Look away: the anti-saccade task and the voluntary control of eye movement
Saccade-related activity in monkey superior colliculus. II. Spread of activity during saccades.
Saccade target selection in frontal eye field of macaque. I. Visual and premovement activation.
Saccade-related activity in monkey superior colliculus: I. Characteristics of burst and buildup cells.
Performance monitoring by the anterior cingulate cortex during saccade countermanding.
Prefrontal neuronal activity in rhesus monkeys performing a delayed anti-saccade task
Visual and oculomotor functions of monkey substantia nigra pars reticulata. III. Memory-contingent visual and saccade responses.