Balsa: An Asynchronous Hardware Synthesis LanguageImplementing Balsa Handshake CircuitsThe Balsa Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis SystemOn the Mechanics of Balsa and Other WoodsExploring algorithms using Balsa-IICompiling the language Balsa to delay insensitive hardwareCompiling the language Balsa to delay-insensitive hardwareAtenuación de la oxidación del lodo pirítico de la balsa de lodos de Cueva de la Mora (Almonaster, Huelva): ensayos de laboratorioPropolis allergy (IV) Studies with further sensitizers from propolis and constituents common to propolis, poplar buds and balsam of ...Trade-offs between flower number and investment to a flower in selfing and outcrossing varieties of Impatiens hypophylla (Balsaminac...