Biology of the SaigaThe biology of the saiga.Mongolian saiga in Sharga Nature Reserve: Are domestic dogs a threat to saiga?A POPULATION-MODEL FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE SAIGA AN℡OPEThe role of saiga poaching in rural communities: linkages between attitudes, socio-economic circumstances and behaviour.Factors affecting survival and cause-specific mortality of saiga calves in MongoliaLate Weichselian Record of Saiga (Saiga tatarica (L.)) from Denmark and its Indications of Glacial History and EnvironmentA nose that roars: anatomical specializations and behavioural features of rutting male saigaThe ‘big spender’ of the steppe: sex-specific maternal allocation and twinning in the saiga antílopeCase studies in novel narial anatomy: 3. Structure and function of the nasal cavity of saiga (Artiodactyla: Bovidae: Saiga tatarica)