- Coated sailcloth could be hung in desert regions, channeling humidity into a collection vessel for drinking water.
SailclothSailclothSailclothReinforced sailclothSailcloth, Webbing and Shirts: The Crewkerne Textile IndustryHardware Catalog - Challenge SailclothPolyester sailcloth fabric: a high-stiffness lining supportSailcloth, a low loss material for millimetre and submillimetre wavelengthsSpectra : one of the latest sailcloth "wonder fibre"COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF SAILCLOTH SELECTION FOR DIFFERENT CLASSES, TYPES AND SPECIES OF SAILING BOATSMechanical behavior of sailcloth materials, with synthetic fibers, under biaxial loadings and finite strainINVESTIGATIONS ON THE POSSIBILITY OF OBJECTIVE CHARACTERISATION OF SAILCLOTHThe ‘very stillness of ’: object biographies of sailcloth and fishing net from the Point Pearce Aboriginal Mission (Burgiyana) col...