用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- salute one's achievement赞扬某人的成就
- salute one's courage赞扬某人的勇气
- salute the dawn迎接黎明
- salute the flag向国旗敬礼
- salute the officer向军官敬礼
- salute one's work赞扬某人的工作
~+副词- salute affectionately热情地欢迎
- salute civilly有礼貌地打招呼
- salute cordially衷心欢迎
- salute courteously有礼貌地打招呼
- salute formally正式敬礼
- salute heartily热烈欢迎
- salute obediently顺从地赞扬
- salute properly正确地打招呼
- salute respectfully尊敬地敬礼
- salute smartly有精神地敬礼
- salute thunderously以雷鸣般的掌声欢迎
~+介词- salute by raising sb's hat举帽行礼
- salute with以(某一特定信号〔动作〕)向(某人)表示敬意〔欢迎,问候〕
- salute with eyes行注目礼
- salute with the hand行举手礼
- salute with rifle行持枪礼
- salute a friend with a smile笑迎友人
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- exchange salutes互致敬礼
- extend a salute致敬
形容词+~- friendly salute友好的致意
- smart salute漂亮的行礼
介词+~- stand at salute立正敬礼
- in salute在行礼
~+介词- salute to the arts尊崇艺术的表示
hail, salute, address, welcome, greet
- We salute the flag everyday at school.
我们在学校每天向国旗行礼。 - This ignoramus failed to salute me.
这个蠢汉看见我不行礼。 - They saluted each other by raising their hats.
他们举起帽子互相致意。 - Shanghai people salute guests and friends from all over the world.
上海人民向海内外宾朋致意。 - Salute Urbanus, our helper in Christ Jesus, and Stachys, my beloved.
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