- Sometimes we can see schools of fish pass by the sampan.
Lesions of the facial and trigeminal nerve in leprosy : An evaluation of 43 cases
Neural Fuzzy Techniques in Vehicle Acoustic Signal Classification
Application of silver nanofluid containing oleic acid surfactant in a thermosyphon economizer
System and method for verification of cache snoop logic and coherency between instruction & data caches for processor design verific...
Changes in the Conscious Mind in Applying Technology for Growing Rice At the Chee River Basin in Northeastern of Thailand
Waste Heat Recovery by Heat Pipe Air-Preheater to Energy Thrift from the Furnace in a Hot Forging Process
Isolation of microorganisms simultaneously producing xylanase, pectinase and cellulase enzymes using cost effective substrates
Daily life experiences of families determine the service delivery needs of children with disabilities; views of parents and service ...
Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Kulit Buah Duku (Lansium domesticum corr) Sebagai Anti Nyamuk Elektrik Terhadap Daya Bunuh Nyamuk Aedes aegy...
A Study of Models of Life Quality Development of Isan Marginal Communities as Affected by Installation of the Solar Home System