Congruent shifts in sand eel abundance in western and eastern North Atlantic ecosystemsPredator-avoidance behaviours of sand-eel schools: why schools seldom splitSand Eels (Ammodytidae) in the South-western North Sea: Their Biology and FisheryPredator-avoidance behaviours of sand-eel schools: why schools seldom splitThe Feeding of Plaice and Sand-Eel Larvae in the Southern North SeaStakeholder preferences for Danish fisheries management of sand eel and Norway poutCharacterization of a novel antioxidative peptide from the sand eel Hypoptychus dybowskiiRedescription of Glugea caulleryi, a microsporidian parasite of the greater sand‐eel, Hyperoplus lanceolatus (Le Sauvage), (Teleost...The Biology of the Lesser Sand-Eel Ammodytes tobianus L. In the Galway Bay AreaReflective Communication between Fish, with Special Reference to the Greater Sand Eel, Hyperoplus lanceolatus