santo domingo圣多明哥(多米尼加首都)
O ENSINO DA EDUCAÇÃO FINANCEIRA A JOVENS DE ESCOLAS PÚBLICAS DE SANTO ÂNGELO The Teaching Financial Education for Young Public S...El Santo Sepulcro de LogroñoLand Snails on Porto Santo: Adaptive and Non-Adaptive RadiationCoseismic and Quaternary vertical tectonic movements, Santo and Malekula Islands, New Hebrides Island ArcIntiyoq Rumi: un campo de petroglifos en la cuenca del río Santo Tomás, Provincia de Chumbivilcas, Cusco, PerúTelmo MEIRONE y colaboradores, Héctor Valdivielso Sáez. El primer santo argentino, Editorial Stella-San Pablo, Buenos Aires 1999, ...Monroe 1909 Franklin, Tony & Santo, & "Gigi"IEfecto antiinflamatorio y composición química del aceite de ramas de Bursera graveolens Triana & Planch. (palo santo) de EcuadorCommunity detection in graphsStatistical physics of social dynamics