Melicocceae (Sapindaceae) Melicoccus & TalisiaMelicocceae (Sapindaceae): Melicoccus and TalisiaA revision of Dilodendron (Sapindaceae).Phylogenetic Inference in Sapindaceae Sensu Lato Using Plastid matK and rbcL DNA SequencesPhysical dormancy in seeds of Dodonaea viscosa (Sapindaceae) from IndiaTHE REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF CUPANIA GUATEMALENSIS RADLK. (SAPINDACEAE)Physical dormancy in seeds of Dodonaea viscosa (Sapindales, Sapindaceae) from HawaiiAntiinflammatory effect of petroleum ether extract of leaves of Litchi chinensis Gaertn. (Sapindaceae)Analysis of cyanolipids and triacylglycerols from sapindaceae seed oils with high-temperature gas chromatography and high-temperatur...Development, characterization and variability analysis of microsatellites in lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn., Sapindaceae)