SASD: the Synthetic Alternative Splicing Database for identifying novel isoform from proteomics.Hydrostatic Pressure Dependence of Tfor SASD Type CrystalsHydrostatic Pressure Dependence of TC for SASD Type CrystalsPrenatal diagnosis of free sialic acid storage disorders (SASD)Spatial information and functionality services with SASD and SVG APIsSpatial information and functionality services with SASD and SVG APIsEPR and interpretation of thermodynamic behaviour of SASD-type of crystalsOn the relation between experimental results for SASD type crystals and the two-sublattice modelLysosomal sialic acid transporter sialin (SLC17A5): sialic acid storage disease (SASD)High-Fidelity Computational Optimization for 3-D Flexible Wings: Part I—Simultaneous Aero-Structural Design Optimization (SASDO): S...