Rapping Satirically:
Satirically Yours: Post-Holiday Greeting Tweaks 'Mean' Mogul
'King of England' satirically attacks Nazis, communists
Rapping Satirically: The Role of Rap as Political Satire in post-2011 Morocco
Visit to 'Santaland' satirically endearing Theater Wit makes spirits bright with Sedaris adaptation
The Modern Political History of England Depicted Satirically in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift-His Works and His Personality
The Interpolated Stories in "Joseph Andrews"or "The History of the World in General"Satirically Revised
Magical and Demonological Phenomena as Treated Satirically by Maskilim of Galicia / תופעות של מאגיה ודימונולו...
The pleasures of human life : investigated cheerfully, elucidated satirically, promulgated explicitly, and discussed philosophically...
A Case Study on the Humourous Load Differences and Cognitive Effects of Satirically/ironically Humourous Elements in Subtitling from...