Saturability of hepatic iron deposits in genetic hemochromatosisSaturability of granulocyte kill of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a murine model of pneumonia.Receptor translocation inhibitor and apparent saturability of the nuclear acceptorTransport of Insulin Across the Blood-Brain Barrier: Saturability at Euglycemic Doses of InsulinClearance kinetics, biodistribution, and organ saturability of phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides in miceSodium-dependence of the saturability of carrier-mediated noradrenaline efflux from noradrenergic neurones in the rat vas deferens.Binding of insulin and other hormones to non-receptor materials: saturability, specificity and apparent "negative cooperativity".The secant condition for instability in biochemical feedback control—I. The role of cooperativity and saturabilityDifferences in the hepatic and renal extraction of insulin and glucagon in the dog: evidence for saturability of insulin metabolism.Characterization of the bradykinin-stimulated calcium influx pathway of cultured vascular endothelial cells. Saturability, selectivi...