METHOD OF PRODUCING SAUTEED VEGETABLESMETHOD OF PRODUCING SAUTEED VEGETABLESA retrosynthetic analogy: Anne's sauteed summer squashType A botulism from sauteed onions. Clinical and epidemiologic observations.Growth and toxin production by Clostridium botulinum in sauteed onions.Study on the Contents of Polysaccharide in Curcuma longa L. before and after Wine SauteedChanges of TVB-N during preserving freshness of pre-processed fresh sauteed shredded pork with green pepperMutagenicity of cooked foods. Effect of cooking conditions on the formation of mutagenicity in sauteed meatsRetention of total and β-carotenes from fresh radish leaves in shallow-fried, steamed/sauteed and baked products of Western IndiaRetention of total and β-carotenes from fresh radish leaves in shallow-fried, steamed/sauteed and baked products of western India =...