- A schoolgirl there who was just admitted by a university wrote me a letter.
在这里,一个刚刚考上大学的女生给我写了一封信。 - The ratio of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1.
男学生和女学生的比例是2比1。 - I was a twelve-year-old schoolgirl.
The amblyopic schoolgirl syndrome
Solution of Kirkman's Schoolgirl Problem
Solving Kirkman's Schoolgirl Problem in a Few Seconds.
Problems Related to Schoolgirl Pregnancies in Burkina Faso
Solving the Kirkman's Schoolgirl Problem in a Few Seconds
Solving the Kirkman’s Schoolgirl Problem in a Few Seconds
Premarital sex, schoolgirl pregnancy, and school quality in rural Kenya.
Kicking like a boy: schoolgirl Australian rules football and bi-gendered female embodiment.
Decrease in nickel sensitization in a Danish schoolgirl population with ears pierced after implementation of a nickel-exposure regul...
"They arrested me for loving a schoolgirl": ethnography, HIV, and a feminist assessment of the age of consent law as a gender-based ...