An analysis of V 861 Sco – I. Light-curve synthesis
Single cell oil (SCO) production by Mortierella isabellina grown on high-sugar content media
Theoretical studies of the low‐lying states of ScO, ScS, VO, and VS
Structurational analysis of e-government initiatives: a case study of SCO
Results of self-consistent band-structure calculations for ScN, ScO, TiC, TiN, TiO, VC, VN and VO
Prediction of mortality after primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction: the CADILLAC risk score.
Transports of delight: Alan Riach takes a journey through the literary tradition of travel writing as penned by visitors to Scotland
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Optical Properties of Layered Perovskite Scandium Oxychlorides: Sr 2 ScO 3 Cl, Sr 3 Sc 2 O 5 Cl 2 ...
Evaluation of the MOS SF-36 Physical Functioning Scale (PF-10): II. Comparison of relative precision using Likert and Rasch scoring ...
Anterior/posterior spinal instrumentation versus posterior instrumentation alone for the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scolioti...