HLA restriction patterns of gliadin‐ and astrovirus‐specific CD4+ T cells isolated in parallel from the small intestine of celiac ...Evolution of primate DNA sequencesQuantum jumps of the micromaser field: dynamic behavior close to phase transition pointsConcurrent Verbalizations, Pedagogical Conditions, and Reactivity: Two CALL StudiesPhysical chemistry of polymers. VIII. Viscosimetric titration of acrylic acid — methacrylic acid copolymersThe power of the circular cone test: A noncentral chi‐bar‐squared distributionThe effect of aqueous garlic extract on the growth of dermatophytes.Functional development of the interacting cells in the immune response. I. Development of T cell and B cell function.Using ACT Assessment Scores to Set Benchmarks for College Readiness. ACT Research Report Series, 2005-3.Issues in Conducting Linkages Between Distinct Tests.