- That scowl he's wearing on his face should tell you so.
他满脸的愁容告诉你他准备好了。 - The boss manifested his disgust with a scowl.
- The boss manifested his disgust with a scowl.
Scowling at their Notebooks
Flugzeugtriebwerkscowling mit verringertem Spaltmass
Scowling at their Notebooks: How British Journalists Understand their Writing
Our Scowling Chancellor's Legacy May Prove to Be the Bankrupting of the NHS
When scowling may be a good thing: The influence of anger expressions on credibility
From scary stories to scowling pumpkins, Halloween has pagan roots [blog post]
Scowling at Their Notebooks: The Management of Writing within British Journalism’s Reflexive Identity
Fetal Facial Expressions: Demonstration of the Smiling, the Sad and the Scowling Fetus with 4D-Ultrasound
A mom was shamed for breastfeeding at Disneyland — so she took a photo with two scowling 'haters'
Bringing a laugh to a scowling face : a study and critical edition of the "Nuzhat al-nufūs wa-muḍḥik al-ʿabūs"by ʿAlī Ibn S...