- The speaker spoke so fast that he could only scribble down several broken words.
演讲者讲得太快了,他只能匆匆记下几个支离破碎的字。 - Do not scribble on the wall!
不要在墙上乱涂! - The students are told not to scribble on the desk.
- I can make nothing of all this scribble.
这样潦草的笔迹我一点也看不懂。 - I can make nothing of this scribble.
Dlg, Scribble and Lgl in cell polarity, cell proliferation and cancer.
scribble mutants cooperate with oncogenic Ras or Notch to cause neoplastic overgrowth in Drosophila.
Disruption of scribble (Scrb1) causes severe neural tube defects in the circletail mouse
Interaction between RasV12 and scribble clones induces tumour growth and invasion
Deregulation of Scribble Promotes Mammary Tumorigenesis and Reveals a Role for Cell Polarity in Carcinoma
The Mammalian Scribble Polarity Protein Regulates Epithelial Cell Adhesion and Migration through E-Cadherin
iCoseg: Interactive co-segmentation with intelligent scribble guidance
iCoseg: Interactive co-segmentation with intelligent scribble guidance
Human scribble (Vartul) is targeted for ubiquitin-mediated degradation by the high-risk papillomavirus E6 proteins and the E6AP ubiq...
Localization of apical epithelial determinants by the basolateral PDZprotein Scribble