sea slug
Sea Slug
Sea slug
Horizontal gene transfer of the algal nuclear gene psbO to the photosynthetic sea slug Elysia chlorotica
Ocean barriers and glaciation: evidence for explosive radiation of mitochondrial lineages in the Antarctic sea slug Doris kerguelene...
FISH Labeling Reveals a Horizontally Transferred Algal () Nuclear Gene on a Sea Slug () Chromosome
Courtship, copulation, and sperm trading in the sea slug, Navanax inermis (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea)
Body size influences mating strategies in a simultaneously hermaphroditic sea slug, Aplysia vaccaria
Complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the sea-slug, Aplysia californica: conservation of the gene order in Euthyneura
Diet Specialization Limits Herbivorous Sea Slug's Capacity to Switch Among Food Species