用作名词 (n.)
动词+~介词+~- for a second一秒钟,一会儿
- in a second一会儿
- in a few seconds几秒钟内
用作数词 (num.)
~+名词- every second day隔一天,隔日
- the second nature第二天性,根深蒂固的习惯
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+介词- second to仅次于…的
- second to the United States仅次于美国
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- second a nomination赞成某一任命
- second sb's view赞同某人的观点
~+介词- second for service调动(某人)而委以特殊任务
- second sb for special duties调派某人给予特殊任务
- second to把(某人)调〔派〕到…工作一段时间
- second words with deeds以行动支持自己的言论
second half下半场;后半时
second time第二次
second order adj. 二级的,二阶的
second world第二世界
in the second half在下半场
second world war第二次世界大战
second place第二名,亚军
second stage第二级
for a second一会儿,片刻
second generation第二代;改进型
per second每秒
second floor(美)二楼;(英)三楼
second class(大学考试成绩)二等;二等舱;二流;(美)二等邮件(定期期刊等)
for the second time第二次
second hand旧货;助手;中间人
in a second立刻,很快
second level第二级
second to none首屈一指
second best居第二位的;仅次于最好的
second harmonic二次谐波
- Her beautiful roses won the second prize at the flower show.
她那些美丽的玫瑰在花展上得了二等奖。 - Our goods are second to none in the world market.
在国际市场上,我们的商品不亚于任何人。 - The bookcase needs a second coat of paint.
- The train will leave in a second.
列车马上要开了。 - It travels thousands of miles per second.
- Second, smoking is harmful also to your family members.
第二,吸烟也会给你的家人带来危害。 - Second, he failed to make clear his true purpose.
- The motion has been seconded.
这一提议得到了支持。 - I second his motion that we should set up a special board to examine the problem.
他提议成立一个特别委员会来研究这个问题,我赞成。 - Mrs Smith proposed the vote of thanks, and Mr Jones seconded.
Seconding the Cause
Seconding the Cause
Seconding Solutions for Third World Science
Seconding Sinai : the development of Mosaic discourse in Second Temple Judaism
Seconding as a capacity development tool for global health: Lessons from the field.
Seconding Sinai: The Development of Mosaic Discourse in Second Temple Judaism (review)
Song of Moses, Song of Miriam: Who Is Seconding Whom?
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Hindy Najman. Seconding Sinai: The Development of Mosaic Discourse in Second Temple Judaism. Supplements to the Journal for the Stud...
More evidence of aniseikonia in pseudophakia from another expert, with a "seconding"of a warning to corneal, refractive and implant...