- Selfishness is the antipode of selflessness.
自私恰恰是无私之反。 - Chinese Students Association here made me proud due to its selflessness.
SelflessnessselflessnessSelflessnessSelflessness and the Loss of SelfBeyond selflessness : reading Nietzsche's GenealogyMindfulness-induced selflessness: a MEG neurophenomenological studySelf-development through selflessness: The paradoxical process of growing wiser.The relationship between selflessness levels and the severity of anorexia nervosa symptomatology."Selflessness"in the service of the ego: contributions, limitations and dangers of Buddhist psychology for western psychotherapy.Self-centeredness and selflessness: A theory of self-based psychological functioning and its consequences for happiness.Does empathy trigger only altruistic motivation? How about selflessness or justice?Women’s Perceptions of Childbirth “Choices” Competing Discourses of Motherhood, Sexuality, and SelflessnessSpirituality and the Management TeacherReflections of Three Buddhists on Compassion, Mindfulness, and Selflessness in the Classroom