semantic analysis语义分析
semantic web语义网;语义万维网
semantic meaning[语]语义
semantic structure语义结构
semantic feature语义特征;语意特征;语义要素
semantic field[语言学]语义场
semantic network语义网络
semantic category语义范畴;语义类别
semantic differential语义差异法;语义区别;语义分化
semantic change词义变化;语义演变
semantic priming语义启动;语义引发,语义促发
semantic memory语义存储器
- And it isn't a mere semantic nicety.
它不只是语义上的细微差别。 - The next step is semantic transparency.
下一步是实现语义的透明性。 - Other semantic entanglements might be mentioned.
DAML-S: semantic markup for web services
Probabilistic latent semantic indexing
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing
A spreading-activation theory of semantic processing.
Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
Thumbs up or thumbs down?: semantic orientation applied to unsupervised classification of reviews
Rich Feature Hierarchies for Accurate Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation
A solution to Plato’s problem: The latent semantic analysis theory of acquisition, induction, and representation of knowledge
Understanding and using the implicit association test: V. measuring semantic aspects of trait self‐concepts