[Deglutition as a releasing stimulus in attacks of semiconsciousness][Psychomotoric status with semiconsciousness in drug overdose][Case report on semiconsciousness episodic][Amnesic episodes--traumatic semiconsciousness--psychomotor fits of semiconsciousness. Differential diagnosis of transient conscious...[Repeated convulsions and semiconsciousness][Differential phenomenology of hysterical and epileptical semiconsciousness][Semiconsciousness or status of focal sensorial attacks?].[Narcolepsy and attacks of semiconsciousness. A contribution to the differential diagnosis of narcolepsy and temporal epilepsy].[Semiconsciousness with the so-called petit mal electroencephalography; problem of petit mal status].Nosology and pathophysiology of pathologic alcohol intoxication, alcohol related semi-consciousness, idiosyncratic alcohol intoxicat...