- He spiced up his lectures with ironic little jokes.
他用讽刺笑话是他的讲课增加了风趣。 - A critic often holds up a book to ridicule or contempt.
Send-up: Authorship and Organisation
Satire or Send-Up? Paddy Power and Blind Football: A Case for Managing Public Relations for Disability Sport
Satire or send-Up? Paddy power and blind football
The signs send-up: Camp and the performing subject of semiosis
Cold Pressor Response in First M.B.B.S Students a Month Before Send-Up Examinations
Sleuth Goof: Three actors tackle many roles in the Sherlock Holmes send-up Hound of the Baskervilles
Blindspot: A Novel; A send-up of eighteenth-century literary forms
Wal-Mart Send-Up
Spade Fronts Tinseltown Send-Up
The rich face west: a society columnist finds sweet, savage revenge in an Evelyn Waugh-inspired send-up of a Sarasota party.