Quasi-separatrix layers in solar flares. II. Observed magnetic configurations.
Slip-Running Reconnection in Quasi-Separatrix Layers
Change of the adiabatic invariant due to separatrix crossing.
Current sheet formation in quasi-separatrix layers and hyperbolic flux tubes
Construction of separatrix surfaces and stability regions in the phase spaces of nonlinear systems.
Chaos healing by separatrix disappearance and quasisingle helicity states of the reversed field pinch.
Magnetic Reconnection along Quasi-Separatrix Layers as a Driver of Ubiquitous Active Region Outflows
The KINX ideal MHD stability code for axisymmetric plasmas with separatrix
On the number of limit cycles which appear by perturbation of separatrix loop of planar vector fields
Transport-driven Scrape-Off-Layer flows and the boundary conditions imposed at the magnetic separatrix in a tokamak plasma