Specific EGF repeats of Notch mediate interactions with Delta and Serrate: implications for Notch as a multifunctional receptor.
Serrate1-induced notch signalling regulates the decision between immunity and tolerance made by peripheral CD4(+) T cells.
The gene Serrate encodes a putative EGF-like transmembrane protein essential for proper ectodermal development in Drosophila melanog...
Dual roles of the nuclear cap-binding complex and SERRATE in pre-mRNA splicing and microRNA processing in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Serrate signals through Notch to establish a Wingless-dependent organizer at the dorsal/ventral compartment boundary of the Drosophi...
A chick homologue of Serrate and its relationship with Notch and Delta homologues during central neurogenesis
Delta is a ventral to dorsal signal complementary to Serrate, another Notch ligand, in Drosophila wing formation.
Serrate-mediated activation of Notch is specifically blocked by the product of the gene fringe in the dorsal compartment of the Dros...
Double Perovskites with Ferromagnetism Above Room Temperature
A dominant-negative form of Serrate acts as a general antagonist of Notch activation